
I have chosen 30 challenges or projects that I think can be completed in a month. They are on the right there. Before the start of each month I will draw one of these challenges out of the hat and try my hardest to complete it in that month. I will document the resulting successes, near misses and complete failures here.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

July = No meat

I drew my first challenge out of the jar (supplied by the lovely Pippa) this morning and, despite my quite exciting dreams of standup at the apollo and doing keepy ups on Record Breakers in front of Cheryl Baker and Roy Castle (RIP), I drew the challenge of not eating meat for a month.

I have never felt the need to not eat meat before and am in fact rather fond of, and have no ethical issues about, eating it. Although hardly one of the "showpiece" challenges, it will be interesting to see how difficult I find it and also what effects, if any, it has on me.

If I complete the challenge (and in fact all challenges from now on) I'm going to make a badge to wear with pride in a cub scout stylee. Probably a bit like this.

1 comment:

  1. I'll let you into my no meat club for one month then
