
I have chosen 30 challenges or projects that I think can be completed in a month. They are on the right there. Before the start of each month I will draw one of these challenges out of the hat and try my hardest to complete it in that month. I will document the resulting successes, near misses and complete failures here.

Saturday 3 September 2011

End of August = A baker I am not

So the least said about my rather poor efforts to achieve this challenge the better I think.

Although I started well with a lovely batch of white bread rolls and a loaf using a recipe taken from Richard Bertinet's "Dough" ...

...and a batch of shortbread cookies (using a recipe from the bbc website) in the shape of giraffes (using cutters from the natural history museum - I named them longneckshortbreads)

...I didn't do any more baking at all for the rest of the month.

Summary :
Number of days in the month : 31
Number of days baked bread, pie or cookies : 2
Challenge Complete : 6.45% (FAIL)

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