
I have chosen 30 challenges or projects that I think can be completed in a month. They are on the right there. Before the start of each month I will draw one of these challenges out of the hat and try my hardest to complete it in that month. I will document the resulting successes, near misses and complete failures here.

Sunday 31 July 2011

August = make bread, pie or biscuits once a day

I have to admit that towards the end of last month, when I started dreaming about bacon (actually) and seeing people as roast chickens (not actually), I did start to think that this challenge would be a brilliant one to follow up the no meat month with and that somehow it would restore balance to the universe. So for the next month I will be donning my baker's outfit (maybe not actually) and trying to make bread, pie or some cookies EVERY day. I'll post some, if not all of, of the recipes and some pictures of my creations.

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